Is muscular restriction affecting your life?

Stopping you from doing the things you want / need to do?

Do you find the results from therapy are short-lived?

Did you know you can get lasting results and manage your condition from home using movement therapy?


Movement Therapy, otherwise known as corrective exercise, is a series of easy to perform targeted dynamic movements.

It has been proven to help reduce pain, accelerate recovery and significantly reduce the risk of injury by restoring a healthy range of motion in the joints.

It’s also incredibly easy to pick up and doesn’t require any previous exercise experience.


By performing targeted dynamic movements, at high-repetitions, in a controlled manor you can release and lengthen tight muscles.

Not only that, but you can also effectively reprogramme your body to hold better posture and move more functionally.



The Keep Recovery Simple programme is very straightforward and easy.

When you sign up you’ll get:






Check out the FAQ’s below to learn more about the Keep Recovery Simple programme!

How does it work?

Initial Consultation

Your first step is to book your initial consultation (see below). During the initial consultation we will discuss your medical history, the condition(s) you’re suffering from and perform an indepth postural and movement assessment.

From this we will have a clear picture about your current position and your desired result.

One Body App

I will then set you up an account on the One Body app; the platform through which your corrective routines will be delivered to you. The app can be accessed online or via your mobile device. The app will show you:

  • The exercises to be performed.

  • The repetitions or amount of time to be spent on each exercise.

  • Instructional video with accompanying notation on how to easily perform each exercise.

Optional Tracking

You will also be able to communicate with me and track your progress with One Body via the app.

We will regularly track your progress and you can raise any queries throughout the programme.

Book Now!

Booking is easy! Click the Book Now button below to visit the booking page. You can choose either a 4 or 6 week programme. We highly recommend starting with a 6 week programme, but have included a 4 week alternative should that better suit your budget.

What packages are available?

We offer 6 week and 4 week packages.

We highly recommend you start with a 6 week package, but include a 4 week alternative should that better suit your budget.

Upon completing a package, should you wish to advance your progress further you can run packages, back to back.

Which package is right for me?

Results in most individuals can be achieved quite rapidly. Others may take slightly longer. It depends upon how the complaint was come about (e.g. physical trauma) and for how long it has been present (e.g. months or years?).

If after your consultation you decide you’d prefer to not proceed with a package, you will be provided will be the results of your assessment, regardless (via email), and you will simply need to cover the cost of the consultation (you will be refunded the difference).

How much time do I need to spend on the corrective routine?

The minimum recommended time that should be allowed for corrective exercise is 10 minutes per day. However, to achieve the optimum result from your programme, it is advisable to allow 20 – 30 minutes per day for the duration of the programme.

What if I don’t achieve my desired result?

Should you not achieve the desired result from the programme (e.g. you’re not 100% pain or restriction free), fear not! You will have improved your body’s:

  • Range-Of-Motion

  • Motor-Control

  • Strength

  • Balance

  • Mobility

  • Endurance

  • Co-ordination

  • Reaction Time

This will put you in a much stronger position for the next step. You can run multiple packages back to back to advance the result from a previous package.

In some cases issues can run deeper than body mechanics and will require observation by another practitioner.

One Body has a library of experienced local practitioners to whom we would gladly recommend you and with whom we have a strong relationship. With your permission, One Body will forward all relevant notation to your chosen practitioner ahead of your first appointment with them, help you track your progress and be a point of contact ongoing.

Your time spent making your body stronger can significantly increase the effectiveness of any ongoing therapy you may need to receive.

What if during the initial consultation it is determined this package is not for me?

As mentioned above, One Body has a library of experienced local practitioners to whom we would gladly recommend you and with whom we have a strong working relationship. With your permission, One Body will forward all relevant notation to your chosen practitioner ahead of your first appointment with them, help you track your progress and be a point of contact ongoing. You will only have to cover the initial consultation (you will be refunded the difference). A copy of your assessment will be forwarded to you, free of charge.

After the programme is complete, will I still have access to the online resources?

Should you wish to continue have access to your online resources, ongoing, this can be provided via a weekly subscription of £5, cancellable at any time.

Alternatively, a PDF document of the exercises you’ve been recommended over the course of your programme can be created for a one-off fee of £30. Your access to the online resources will be terminated at this point.

What are your prices?

Our 4-week programme is £197 and our 6-week programme is £297.

Should you decide after the consultation you do not wish to pursue the programme or need to be referred to another practitioner, the initial consultation is a one off cost of £45 and you will be refunded the difference.

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